If I were to write my story from the beginning, I would need a bigger blog site :) I'll start from a year or so ago and make it as short and sweet as possible.
After living in LA for a few years and pursuing music as a Solo Recording Artist, I finally hit a wall. I realized how difficult the industry really is and decided to make some more options for myself. I took a break from recording material for my album to enroll in Music school. Best idea ever, not only did it open my mind to different opportunities I could have as a Singer in this business, but it also expanded my network of peers and professionals. I enjoyed my time at school but after a year and a half of attending, I decided it was time to try my luck at making my talent work for me for a change. The music business classes I was taking really inspired me to treat myself like a business. I started looking for opportunities to sing and either get compensated or further in my career via connections and/or experience.
I took some time away from school to strictly audition. I made a vow to myself that I would go to any and every audition that had anything to do with singing or performing. I had my share of "please kill me now" moments but overall, this helped me and led me to where I am now. American Idol audition (2009) was an eye-opener and honest turning point for me. After auditioning every year for 4 years, I was determined to make this audition the best, and it was. I made it through all 5 rounds before Hollywood and was able to receive some one on one life changing advice from Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson. Don't laugh, but they both told me to take voice lessons :) They said that I was good and they wanted to say yes, but didn't believe my voice was strong enough yet. I was devastated and vowed to quit singing forever. Then I realized, maybe a voice lesson or two wouldn't hurt? I mean, I had made it this far without any training. So I called Linda Tomkinson, a referral form a friend in Utah and began private training over Skype. I've been with her ever since and my voice is stronger than ever, makes me wish I had thought of this from the beginning, but thanks Simon and Randy! xo

Back before I enrolled in music school, I spent 3 months in Europe singing background for Sisqo (former lead singer of Dru Hill and famous for the his hit single 'The Thong Song'). That opportunity came to me as a coincidence and blessing. It was my first time singing for someone else and I enjoyed the experience more than I thought I would. Performing with him was awesome. When I returned back to the states, I made one of my goals to become a professional background singer. I thought it would be a great way to sing, travel, and make money. All the while, working on myself as a Solo Artist.

I truly believe in good energy and things happening for a reason. Less than a year ago, my background singing aspirations have come into place. My auditioning jitters have vanished and I have been able to book work. yay! :)
I am just starting a new chapter in my life, I am beyond excited and happy to share my experiences as I travel, perform and live my dream! Please Join me as I share my life as a Background Singer.
*I am currently singing for Lena Katina formerly of the Russian pop duo t.A.T.u. and have loved becoming a part of the family, love you guys! Thanks for giving me a chance and letting me sing along with the beautiful, talented Lena xo