So many incredible things have happened for me over the past two years, both in my career and in my personal life. I feel like I've spent so much time praying, wishing, hoping and chasing my dreams out here in LA that I haven't actually taken the time to sit back and look at all I have accomplished. I've also neglected to properly appreciate the people in my life who truly deserve it. Please forgive me for being cheesy for a minute but I have to thank my Mommy and Daddy for supporting and believing in me, you have NO idea how hard these last five years would have been without you. My eight brothers and sisters who, no matter how long it's been since we saw or spoke to one another, will drop everything they are doing to meet me for lunch when I'm in town :) Or my close and dear friends who will let me vent anytime I want and not ever pass judgement, or give me a haircut when I need one, pass along a inspirational book, give me a much needed make-up tip, or simply just remind me how loved I am when I feel alone. (You all know who you are and I love you SO much its unreal.)
Basically, what I'm saying is that if you are embarking on a challenging path or event in your life, take the time to acknowledge your "folks". It changes everything and makes such a difference. I am so grateful for the things that have happened in life that remind me who my people really are and how much I need them. I'm lucky to have so many, but even if I only had one, I'd still be the luckiest girl in the WORLD!!
Much Love my Loves!
you parents ARE awesome. nice shout out to them. i love the hawaii picts. jase and his clan live on the northshore...paradise indeed!