Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Steve Perry is in the building...

Can I just say that joining the MadHouse has been incredible!? Seriously, when it comes to male vocalists, my top two all time favorites are Michael Jackson (R.I.P.) and Steve Perry. Turns out that Nuno is friends with this Legend, no big deal. So he invited him to one of our rehearsals last week. I really thought I was gonna freak out when I saw him in person, but thanks to a "pep-talk" from Nuno, I was able to keep it together :) lol
He was lovely and so down to earth, I'm so thankful for the opportunity I had to meet him and hopefully, I'll run into him again! So many wonderful things have been happening to me lately and I feel so blessed! I am truly, overwhelmingly thankful for my life and blessings that seem to be granted daily... These last few months have been a dream come true.

One of my favorite Steve Perry songs is called "You Better Wait" I put it on my Playlist below, have a listen! :)

NBA All Star Halftime Show and Rihanna's Bday

Yet another exciting performance with Rihanna this last Sunday! NBA All Star show was awesome, we all had so much fun!!! Especially Nuno.. ;) hahahaha
After the show, we all went to Rhi's Bday party.. ok I've never had so much FUN! there was Jamaican food everywhere, Sprinkles cupcakes, and a full on candy stand! if you know me at all then you know I cared more about the sweets than the all the Super stars surrounding me all night :) However, I did freak out a little bit when I saw Beyonce and Jay walk in.. wow.
The next day we all flew to Australia. I am in Brisbane now and its 6am... tried SOOO hard to stay awake until at least 10pm to beat the jet lag, but my tired ass fell asleep at 730pm and woke up at 430am.. hmmm.
Anyway, here's the video from Sunday in case you missed the show.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grammy's Baby!!!!

K but seriously, how did I end up performing at the Grammy Awards this year!?!? Im still kind of freaking out a little bit. I remember when I moved to LA five years ago, I wanted to go to the show SOOOOO bad, even if I was just a seat filler or something. lol. And now I can say forever that my first trip to the Grammy's was as a Performer! wow. Such and amazing night and a total DREAM come TRUE. I am so blessed to be part of such an awesome team and work for such a beautiful, talented young lady :) You were great Rhi!!!
I couldn't believe how much love and support I received on this day. Since the show was only live on the East coast, I was able to hear responses from my loved ones there first in the form of texts and FB posts. two hours later, hella Utah folks hit me up (love you guys!!!!) and finally I was able to watch for myself here in LA and I was beyond excited! screaming at the TV from my table at the Cheescake Factory :) lolol It seemed like every person on the Planet who knew me, saw me on TV that night. I just want to thank everyone who took the time to write me a message on Facebook or sent a text or even called. It meant the world to me and I love you all so much. This is just the first of many Performances with sweet Rhi, so stay tuned... NBA All Star Halftime show next week.. ummmm YAY.

Happiest girl in the world,